The Nanny dogs, You will enjoy this historical writing about fantastic nanny dogs. Let’s understand that not all dogs are created equal, and the breeders or creators are responsible for the excellent or poor breeding selection. In 2023 most dogs, known as pitbull , would never be recognized in 1979 as Pitbulls anywhere in the world.
The Real American Pit Bull Terrier, aka APBT, AKA The Pitbull is not the same dog you know as the pitbull today during 2023. The dogs on the news killing children and adults who treated them as excellent pets are not real pitbulls. The real Pitbull is a dog developed as a warrior fighting dog, bred for supremacy, and possessing athleticism, courage, and gameness, never to give up.
During the early 1900s, America was a different society where dogfighting was legal and widely accepted. Doctors, lawyers, tycoons, actors, and police officers loved this so-called sport. Although repugnant by today’s standards, dogfighting was a part of American culture, and it was during this time that the Pit Bull Terrier was developed.
Originally, the Pit Bull Terrier was bred for dogfighting, but its versatility made it a valuable asset on the farm as well. The breed quickly gained a reputation as a brave, athletic, and intelligent dog that was also loyal to humans and loved children, which earned it the nickname “nanny dog.” The real Pitbull was not bred in typical urban neighborhoods and was a source of pride for its owners. Many vintage pictures from the early 1900s show proud owners with their beloved pets.
The United Kennel Club (UKC) supported the development of the American Pit Bull Terrier during the breed’s fighting days. The name of the breed comes from America, the location of its creation, and the fighting pits where the dogs proved their courage. The breed’s name also comes from the old English Bulldog and old Terrier, both of which are now extinct. The better the dogs performed in the fighting pits, the better the pet dogs they produced.
However, in modern times, some breeders decided to breed dogs known as “man biters,” such as Chinaman, Zebo, and Bullyson, which the real DOGMEN never approved, the breed’s creators. These real dogmen always bred the best temperament dogs for the love of the breed. They knew that breeding for aggression was wrong and not the true spirit of the breed.
Unfortunately, some people confuse the American Pit Bull Terrier with other breeds of dogs that are not true Pitbulls. These impostors include the blue nose, gray color Pitbulls, the XL Pitbull, the XXL Pitbull, and the giant Pitbulls, which may be good pets, but they are not real Pitbulls. The breeding and development of the breed have been a tradition of only the best, and breeders who are committed to preserving the breed’s true spirit never breed man biters.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) did nothing for the American Pit Bull Terrier when it saw that the breed was becoming popular. Instead, the AKC used real Pitbulls from those days to make up its own dogs. The UKC and other registration agencies profited from the breed as a third-party service, yet they have little to no understanding of the real dog. These registries do nothing in an excellent manner to preserve the true breed. Education and leadership have yet to be strong options, which is leading to the standards lowering for the real breed.
It is disrespectful to those few men in the past who built the real breed to call any pet owner-breeder a real breeder or, worse, a dogman. As a community, standards have lowered for the real breed, and 99.99% of the dogs called Pitbulls are impostors using the excellent name cloud. Breeders, kennels, thugs, and criminals contribute to the destruction and extinction of America’s best dog.

The real American Pit Bull Terrier is not the same dog that is often portrayed in the media as aggressive and dangerous. The true Pitbull is a loyal, athletic, and intelligent dog that loves humans and has a special fondness for children, earning it the title of “nanny dog.” The breed was developed during a different time in American society, where dogfighting was legal and widely accepted. However, the breed’s versatility and loyalty made it a valuable asset on the farm and a beloved pet in many households.
The breed’s original purpose was for dogfighting, but the real dogmen who created the breed always bred for athleticism, courage, and gameness, not for aggression towards humans. The modern trend of breeding man-biters is not something that real dogmen approve of or support, and it has contributed to the impostors that are often mistaken for true Pitbulls.
The registries, such as the AKC and the UKC, have profited off the breed as a third-party service but have little to no understanding of the real dog. These registrations do nothing to preserve the true spirit of the breed, and it is up to the community of breeders and old-timers of the breed to uphold the standards of the true Pitbull. Breeding and developing the breed has been a tradition of only the best, and breeders who are committed to preserving the breed’s true spirit never breed man-biters.
In conclusion, the true American Pit Bull Terrier is a noble, athletic, and intelligent breed that was developed for dogfighting but later became a valuable asset on the farm and a beloved pet in many households. The breed is often misunderstood and misrepresented in the media, with impostors often mistaken for true Pitbulls. It is up to the community of breeders and old-timers of the breed to uphold the standards of the true Pitbull and preserve its true spirit.
Are Pitbulls dangerous? Answer: No, real Pitbulls are not dangerous. The breed was developed for dogfighting, but real dogmen always bred for athleticism, courage, and gameness, not for aggression towards humans.
Are blue nose and gray color Pitbulls real Pitbulls? Answer: No, blue nose and gray color Pitbulls are not true Pitbulls. They are impostors that are often mistaken for true Pitbulls.
Are XL and XXL Pitbulls real Pitbulls? Answer: No, XL and XXL Pitbulls are not true Pitbulls. They are impostors that are often mistaken for true Pitbulls.
Are Pitbulls good with children? Answer: Yes, real Pitbulls are known for their special fondness for children, earning them the title of “nanny dog.”
Why do people breed man biters? Answer: Breeding man biters is a modern trend that real dogmen never approved of or supported. It has contributed to the impostors that are often mistaken for true Pitbulls
The real American Pit Bull Terrier is a breed that deserves to be recognized for its true spirit and not mistaken for impostors that have tainted its reputation. This breed has been an essential part of American history, and we must preserve its legacy.
It is important to note that the breed’s history and development were shaped by a different society where dogfighting was legal and accepted. Although this is not something that we support or condone, it is essential to understand that the breed was not developed to be aggressive towards humans. Instead, the breed was bred for athleticism, courage, and gameness.
In recent years, the media has often portrayed the breed as aggressive and dangerous. This has led to many misconceptions about the breed, which has caused many people to fear and avoid Pitbulls. This is not only unfair to the breed, but it is also a disservice to the many loving and loyal Pitbulls that make great pets.
The truth is that real Pitbulls are intelligent, loyal, and athletic dogs that love humans and have a special fondness for children. They are not inherently aggressive or dangerous, and they should not be judged based on the actions of a few bad apples. Like any breed, the temperament of a Pitbull is largely shaped by its upbringing and environment.
In conclusion, the real American Pit Bull Terrier is not the same dog that is often portrayed in the media. This breed is a noble, athletic, and intelligent breed that was developed for dogfighting but later became a valuable asset on the farm and a beloved pet in many households. We must continue to educate the public on the true spirit of the breed and work towards preserving its legacy.
Are REAL Pitbulls good family pets? Answer: Yes, REAL Pitbulls can make excellent family pets. They are loyal, loving, and have a special fondness for children.
Are REAL Pitbulls aggressive? Answer: No, real Pitbulls are not aggressive towards humans. The breed was developed for athleticism, courage, and gameness, not for aggression towards humans.
Can Pitbulls be trained to be aggressive? Answer: Yes, any breed of dog can be trained to be aggressive. However, this is not something that we DO NOT support or condone. Real dogmen who created the breed never bred for aggression towards humans.
Are REAL Pitbulls easy to train? Answer: Yes, Pitbulls are intelligent dogs and can be relatively easy to train. However, like any breed, they require consistent training and socialization to become well-behaved pets.
Are REAL Pitbulls good with other pets? Answer: Pitbulls can get along well with other pets if they are properly socialized and trained. However, it is essential to supervise interactions between dogs and other pets to ensure their safety.
The Real American Pit Bull Terrier, aka APBT, AKA The Pitbull is not the same dog you know as the pitbull today during 2023. Do I have your attention? The dogs on the news killing children and adults who treated excellent pets are not real pitbulls. The real Pitbull is a dog developed as a warrior fighting dog. Breed for supremacy. The most athletic dogs to win. The dogs with courage and gameness to never give up. The media and pitbull lovers or pet dogs are fantastic. While developing those early pitbulls , the men discover an incredible secret. The aggressive dog, the junkyard type, was mean to people and big cowards. The human-aggressive dogs were a dog that would quit under pressure. The man bitters could have been better.
During those times, America was a different society. It was legal and accepted to have combat dogs. Doctors, layers, tycoons, actors, and police officers love the so-called sport of dog fighting. Maybe repugnant today, yet accepted during those times. Imagine you love steaks and fried chicken; 100 years from now, when an animal may be equal in human rights, your great-grandchildren will say you were a savage; relax, these are facts and history. Imagine that dogs reports were posted in the police gazette.
America was open-range, and having a versatile dog was a necessity. The farms need an intelligent, brave, athletic dog. Soon they realized those dogs loved humans and loved children specifically. They gained a reputation as nanny dogs. The men who built the USA during the 1700S had a pitdog type of dog. By the 1800s, the pidogs were loved by the owners. They were not bred in typical urban neighborhoods. Those were dogs owned with pride. You see many of those vintage pictures of th early 1900 when taking a photo was not affordable, images with proud owners. The children raised with those inspirational dogs made strong, tough children, secure, and never-give-up type of attitude. America Needed a dog, so it was called above everything American: The American Pit Bull Terrier.
The UkC founder supported the development of the dogs during those times in the fighting pit. The name of the breed is from America as the location of development creation, Pit where the dogs became proven by courage, Bull because of the old English bulldog and the old terrier. Both of those antique breeds vanished. The better the dogs, the better the pet dogs. So, in conclusion, those who said that dogs are aggressive today and bite people because of their fighting past are 100% wrong. They don’t know the facts.
Now some gamblers – breeders in modern times decided to breed to know men bitters such as Chinaman, Zebo and Bullyson, and many more. The real DOGMEN, the breed’s creators, never approved of this. The dogs that gave America The Concept of underdog and top dogs during combat were loyal pets and friends. The dogs you see today, the blue nose, gray color pitbulls, the xl pitbull, the xxl pitbull, the giant pitbulls, those 90 plus pounds pitbulls maybe quite to you and may be good pets, yet they ARE NOT REAL PITBULLS.
Breeding and developing the breed has been a tradition of only the best. Those real dogmen that breed and develop for the love of the breed always breed the best temperament dogs. Netfix have it all wrong.
The sad part is that those born during the late 1900s maybe have yet to see the image of the real pitbull. The real dog is rare; even those with pedigrees and registrations are below standards and FRAMEWORK.
The common pitbull-type dogs called pitbull, the show dogs and the paper dogs may exist for years and decades. They are inferior in qualities to the REAL PITBULL, the super-loving dogs of America. Breeders and old-timers of the breed are responsible for missed representation that anyone can be bred. The registries need litters to stay in business, while they have little influence on the quality of the breed. Breeders, kennels, thugs, and criminals are all in the destruction and extinction of America’s best dog. During the last 33 years, I have been studying the best to best process. I wanted to own the best of the best and nothing but the best. I never breed a man biter, and because all bloodlines are intermixed, I made a process where I don’t need any other breeder to keep producing the best, most sounded dogs in history.
The AKC did nothing for the American Pit Bull Terrier when they saw that it was becoming popular; they used the dogs to make up their dogs using real pitbulls of those days. The UKC desk people, like many others, profited off the breed as a third-party service. Yet they have little to no understanding of the real dog. Nore, these registrations are doing anything in the excellent matter to preserve the real breed. Education and leadership have yet to be strong options. It is insane to call any pet owner-breeder a real breeder or, worst, a dogman; calling common breeders, DOGMEN is disrespectful to those few men in the past who build the real breed. As a community, the standards lowered for the real breed. 99.99% of the dogs called Pitbull are impostors using the great name cloud. You would only find information like this. We have spoken about the unknown facts and want to educate the new generations about those great dogs, THE NOBLE NANNY DOGS.
Chico and Thais Lopez
#thenannydog #nannydogs #realpitbullarenannydogs
The real Pitbulls are the original nanny dogs.
All rights, copywrites below to the author Chico Lopez. for permission to used this article or a part of it in a limited way contact 806-500-5552
Loyal: Real pit bulls are known for their fierce loyalty to their families, and will stop at nothing to protect them.
Loving: Despite their tough exterior, real pit bulls are incredibly loving and affectionate with their families.
Intelligent: Real pit bulls are highly intelligent dogs, and can quickly learn commands and tasks.
Courageous: Real pit bulls are incredibly brave dogs, and will face any challenge head-on.
Energetic: Real pit bulls have lots of energy, and make great playmates for active families.
Athletic: Real pit bulls are athletic dogs, and excel in sports such as agility and weight pulling.
Great with children: Real pit bulls have a long history as nanny dogs, and are known for their gentle and protective nature around children.
Low maintenance: Real pit bulls have short coats that require minimal grooming, making them an easy pet to care for.
Trainable: With their intelligence and eagerness to please, real pit bulls are highly trainable dogs.
Versatile: Real pit bulls are adaptable dogs, and can thrive in a variety of living situations.
Playful: Real pit bulls love to play, and can keep children entertained for hours on end.
Affectionate: Real pit bulls are loving dogs that thrive on human affection.
Protective: Real pit bulls are highly protective of their families, and will go to great lengths to keep them safe.
Obedient: Real pit bulls are obedient dogs that respond well to commands and training.
Great exercise buddies: Real pit bulls love to go on walks and runs, and can make great exercise buddies.
Calm demeanor: Despite their high energy levels, real pit bulls have a calm and steady demeanor that can help to calm anxious or nervous family members.
Resilient: Real pit bulls are tough dogs that can withstand a variety of challenges and hardships.
Family-oriented: Real pit bulls are family dogs at heart, and thrive on the love and attention of their human families.
Companionship: Real pit bulls make great companions for people of all ages, and can help to combat feelings of loneliness or isolation.
Positive influence: Real pit bulls can have a positive influence on children, teaching them about courage, loyalty, and perseverance.
One more article I wrote for a group.
In the early 1800s, dogs were seen as fierce fighters in the pits, with traits such as bravery, agility, and determination prized above all else. However, as the 19th century progressed, these dogs began to be utilized as faithful and loving companions, taking on the role of “nanny dogs” and serving as protectors and playmates for children. The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT), with its distinctive muscular build and powerful jaw, quickly became one of the most beloved breeds in America.
These original pit bulls were bred using the Best-to-Best method, which involved carefully selecting only the strongest and most athletic dogs for breeding. This process helped to ensure that the resulting offspring were healthy, intelligent, and loyal. Over time, the framework of Best-to-Best led to a specific bloodline known as The Golden Vein, which is now synonymous with the best of the best in the pit bull world.
However, in recent years, the label “pit bull” has become associated with dogs that bear little resemblance to their ancestors. Dogs that are labeled as pit bulls today are often mixed-breed dogs with poor genetics and a predisposition for aggression. The XL, XXL, giant, and blue nose varieties that are commonly found in the market are not real pit bulls; they are fashion-bred and imported dogs that use the name of the breed to market themselves.
The negative reputation that pit bulls have earned in recent years is largely the result of the behavior of these mixed-breed dogs, which are often poorly bred and poorly socialized. The original pit bulls, bred by true dogmen like Chico Lopez, were courageous and loyal animals that were bred for athleticism and temperament. The process of epigenetics, which refers to the ways in which an animal’s environment can influence the expression of its genes, helped to create pit bulls that were not only strong and athletic but also gentle and affectionate with children.
These original pit bulls served as important teachers for humans, influencing their behavior and encouraging them to be brave and never give up. The temperament of these dogs, with its combination of velvet and steel, became a symbol of American strength and resilience. Unfortunately, the negative stereotype of the pit bull has led many people to overlook the incredible qualities of these dogs and to fear them rather than appreciate them.
At Chico Lopez’s pit bull breeding program, we strive to preserve the legacy of the original pit bulls by breeding only the strongest, healthiest, and most loyal dogs. Our dogs are true representatives of the breed, with the distinctive muscular build and powerful jaw that make them such incredible athletes. They are also gentle and affectionate with children, with a strong instinct to protect and nurture those who are weaker than themselves.
If you’re considering bringing a pit bull into your home, it’s important to remember that not all pit bulls are created equal. By choosing a puppy from Chico Lopez’s breeding program, you can be sure that you’re getting a dog with a strong pedigree, excellent health, and an incredible temperament. Our dogs are not just pets; they are members of our family, and we take great pride in raising them to be the best of the best.
In conclusion, the true pit bull is a magnificent breed that deserves to be celebrated for its incredible qualities of courage, loyalty, and athleticism. By understanding the history of the breed and the ways in which it has been misrepresented in recent years, we can begin to appreciate these incredible dogs for the amazing animals that they truly are. At Chico Lopez’s pit bull breeding program, we are committed to preserving the legacy of the original pit bulls and to sharing their incredible qualities with the world. So if you’re looking for a new best friend and
Internal resources
- – Homepage of The Real Pitbull by Chico Lopez.
- – Information about Chico Lopez and The Real Pitbull.
- – Information about pitbull puppies for sale from The Real Pitbull.
- – Information about the American Pit Bull Terrier and its history.
- – Information about The Real Pitbull’s breeding program and the Golden Vein bloodline.
- – The story of Richard Stratton and his experience with The Real Pitbull.
- – The story of Athos, one of The Real Pitbull’s dogs.
- – Contact information for The Real Pitbull.
- – Information about The Real Pitbull’s Golden Vein pitbulls.
- – Reasons to choose The Real Pitbull for your pitbull puppy.
External Resorses
- ESPN article about Chico Lopez and Terence Crawford’s bond with his pit bulls:
- ESPN article about Canelo Alvarez and his love for puppies, including those from Chico Lopez’s breeding program:
- The Sun interview with Terence Crawford talking about his connection with his Chico Lopez pit bull, Goldie:“