Hollingsworth dogs
“The Evolution of Pitbulls: From Fighting Dogs to Beloved Pets – The Legacy of Ernest Hollingsworth, VA and the Master Breeder, Chico Lopez”
We will start with master Breeder Ernest Hollingsworth, here an idea by part of the writing. I hope you enjoy it it has been made only to give you an idea of more than 80 years of hard work and development of the real breed. Today as the best pets on earth.

Part 1:
The very last best dogs in history, started in the 1950 with Tudor, to Carver, to Patrick, to Hollingsworth, to VA and to Chico Lopez. These dogs went from being original dog fighting dogs to becoming the best pets. Dogs like Athos, Siega, and Mechanic Buck prove that the best dogs in history don’t need to fight, they can be great pets. What they need is a knowledgeable breeder with a special eye. This is the story of Ernest Hollingsworth’s dogs today, as Chico Lopez became the master breeder of all times.
Part 2:
Ernest Hollingsworth was one of the most significant figures in the history of pitbulls. He bred and trained some of the best dogs in history, like Mayday and Buck. Through his dedication and hard work, he established a line of dogs that was second to none. But Hollingsworth didn’t do it alone; he had help from people like VA who campaigned Mayday to national fame. And now, there’s Chico Lopez, who has taken the legacy of Hollingsworth and elevated it to new heights as The APEX and super pets to approved families.

Part 3:
After Mayday’s massive success, the goal changed from campaigning for his offspring to preserving this bloodline for years to come. This breeding program managed to generate many winners, champions, and grand champions, all direct offspring of Mayday. It is easy to see how difficult and time-consuming this was for those who took on this responsibility. And then, there was the task of finding someone who could continue the work of Southern Kennels and the owners of Mayday’s offspring. The breeders, who were coming as hard mayday dog breeders shown to have a dead end, a lack of understanding of the principles of breeding, bad luck etc . Everyone was mainly looking to breed and make money. It was necessary to find someone who could make intelligent combinations and crosses and generate dogs that maintained and improved the qualities of Mayday and his best offspring. That person was Chico Lopez.

Part 4:
Chico Lopez mixed all those dogs based on his vision of 1994 of Cheyenne breed to Joker and Honeybunch dogs and bred that to Redboy dogs. After decades of consistent success overseas, in South America since 2008 and in Asia, Chico Lopez developed the best, most sound dogs the breed has ever created. Zero human aggression, the best, most merited dogs the breed ever had. Today, they are pets that make great families happy. They are the last of the real pitbulls, the best of the red-nose pitbull dogs. Chico Lopez doesn’t sell to breeders at all, not to criminals, and not to dog fighters. All are on contracts, and the dogs must be family dogs. Chico Lopez has dedicated himself to helping people learn the truth and the amazing side of the breed, the real breed, the dogs of velvet and steel, from Hollingsworth in the 1960s to VA in 1985, and Chico Lopez in 1998 breeding his Cheyenne, the best Hollingsworth dog not bred by Hollingsworth double breed bull, and the only ROM dog, to the best son of Mayday, Macho 1xw, to create the base of the Golden Vein Awesome Buck, which since 2001 has been, till 2023, the cornerstone of the best, most sound real pitbull in history. Now not in the hands of breeders, not in the hands of dog fighters, but in the hands of great humans. The real breed is on the brink of extinction, and this is the apex of the breed, the last of the Mohicans.
Ernest Hollingsworth’s contributions to the American Pit Bull Terrier will always be remembered. This is a historical article; some of these stories are here said and can’t be verified. An anonymous person sends me a story that sounds cool for the average lover of red dogs. Stories like this is to give the best good faith to men who loved their dogs through different decades and laws. It only provides an idea of what the breed may have been 20 years ago. VA Left The USA in 1999, and 8 years later, Chico Lopez left for Brasil. The only person that lived in the USA was Mr. Hollingsworth, who passed. Today 2023, plenty of pages of great current material for pets exist. This is just a possible history of 1960 to 2000, over 23 years ago.
Ernest Hollingsworth: The Mastermind Behind the Hollingsworth Bloodline
Ernest Hollingsworth was a dog breeder best known for creating the Hollingsworth bloodline of American Pit Bull Terriers. His dedication to breeding high-quality dogs resulted in some of the most impressive specimens in the breed’s history, including Grand Champion Mayday.

Hollingsworth started breeding dogs in the 1960s, when dogfighting was still legal in many parts of the United States. He was initially drawn to the breed for its tenacity and drive, which he believed made it the perfect fighting dog. However, he soon realized that the breed had many other qualities that made it an excellent companion and working dog.
Hollingsworth’s breeding program was based on line breeding, which involves breeding related dogs to produce offspring with desirable traits. He carefully selected dogs with strong conformation, athleticism, and temperament and bred them to produce puppies with those same qualities. Over time, he developed his own bloodline, known as the Hollingsworth bloodline.
Grand Champion Mayday was one of the most famous dogs in the Hollingsworth bloodline. Mayday was a dog with a natural ability to fight, but he was also an exceptional athlete with great conformation and an excellent temperament. Hollingsworth recognized Mayday’s potential early on as a puppy. Mayday became a legend, winning multiple championships and siring many exceptional offspring.
Hollingsworth’s dedication to his breeding program paid off in many ways. His dogs were known for their exceptional athleticism, intelligence, and temperament, making them excellent working dogs and loyal companions. His bloodline famous, and many breeders sought to purchase his dogs or breeding rights to his bloodline.
One of the most notable buyers of Hollingsworth’s dogs was VA. who was a dog breeder and who saw the potential in Hollingsworth’s bloodline and purchased most and the best of his dogs, as Hollingsworth became ill of cancer. Aycart sold dogs from the Hollingsworth bloodline to many other breeders , spreading the bloodline’s influence even further.
Despite the controversy surrounding the people who may had owned some dogs and the Hollingsworth bloodline’s association with the breed, there is no denying that Ernest Hollingsworth was a master breeder who developed one of the most impressive bloodlines in the American Pit Bull Terrier breed’s history. His dedication to breeding exceptional dogs resulted in dogs that excelled not just in the fighting ring, but also as companions and working dogs.

Many breeders today still seek out dogs from the Hollingsworth bloodline, as they recognize the quality and consistency of the bloodline’s traits. The world today recognized old history and the legacy of Ernest Hollingsworth and his Hollingsworth bloodline lives on in the breed’s continued popularity and excellence. Yet his dogs are water down and breed mostly by puppy peddlers, and pedigrees hustlers, with poor results. Except one man.
As for myself, I have been a longtime admirer of the Hollingsworth bloodline and its exceptional dogs. I have carefully studied the dogs in the bloodline and have made a point to purchase dogs from the best breeders who have worked with the bloodline. Through my own breeding program, I strive to continue the legacy of the Hollingsworth bloodline and produce dogs that embody its exceptional qualities.

While some breeders were creating blue dogs and marketing them to the public, many Americans were missing out on the opportunity to enjoy the amazing American Pit Bull Terrier as a pet. Mayday made his mark from 1990 to 2002, and his offspring began to make waves in the underground breeding world. There were many breeders of black dogs, but older breeders saw the superior qualities of Mayday. I have Mayday’s grandson in my living room as a treasured pet gifted to me by VA t, who had retired him from breeding before Mayday’s death. I knew I wanted the best dog from the Mayday bloodline, and found him. I knew that he was special and possessed the instinct to be the best. I bred my pet Cheyenne at 5 years old and knew I would take over the American Pit Bull Terrier world. I have the best Honeybunch and Redboy dogs, and I wanted to add the best Mayday dog to my breeding program. Cheyenne was bred from a male and female out of Hollingsworth’s Bull, and out of a litter of seven, I purchased her. I knew I had found the best Red Nose Hollingsworth-bred dog of modern times, the only ROM dog after Hollingsworth’s death, other than the dogs he bred. Mayday was also a Hollingsworth dog. I was on my way to outdoing Hollingsworth and every other breeder before and after him. I created the great and awesome Buck and the foundation of the Golden Vein bloodline. I wanted to sell my dogs to the best humans, including entrepreneurs, professionals, and even boxers, in order to unite this breed with its historical connection to John L. Sullivan. I became a hero to those who appreciated the true potential of these amazing dogs.
VA Southern Kennels and the Legacy of Mayday. VA Southern kennels took Mayday and Dolly to levels of success never seen before. The power of MAYDAY, his campaign, and the fact that access to the internet became available at that time gave MAYDAY a vast reach. His son did a number on those dogs on the rest of the breed. They were the envy of old times and why many just retired. VA made a considerable mark in the dogs breeding of a few merited dogs. and the jewel for Chico Lopez Macho 1xw ROM.
After acquiring Mayday and Dolly from Ernest Hollingsworth, VA of Southern Kennels was ready to take the Hollingsworth bloodline to the next level. With his eye for breeding top-quality dogs, VA saw Mayday as a game-changer in American Pit Bull Terriers. VA did what nobody ever in American History had dreamed. Mayday Became a Gr ch and DOY and ROM. The best,
Mayday quickly became a dominant force in the APBT world, winning multiple championships and siring many exceptional offspring. He and his sons became the face of the Hollingsworth bloodline, with many breeders seeking dogs from VA Southern Kennels to continue the legacy.
In fact, Mayday became so influential in the breed that he was often called the “asteroid that killed the dinosaurs.” The black dogs that had been popular for decades were suddenly out of fashion, and it was all about Mayday and his offspring.
From 1990 to 2020, it was a Mayday world. His sons, combined with the Buck and Gr. Ch. Yellow dogs, also became legends in their own right. And while some breeders may have tried to replicate Mayday’s success by breeding to his offspring or other dogs in the Hollingsworth bloodline, it was clear that Mayday was a once-in-a-lifetime dog.

As the years went on, VA eventually retired from dog breeding, and the future of the Hollingsworth bloodline was uncertain. All the breeders had all failed to create consistency on the qualities of Hollingsworth dogs or Mayday; They hold papers at best. However, the legacy of Mayday and the Hollingsworth bloodline would continue to live on through the work of other breeders, such as Chico Lopez.
Lopez recognized the importance of preserving the bloodline’s exceptional traits, while also working to improve the breed’s health and temperament. He became known for producing dogs with a strong Hollingsworth influence, focusing on producing healthy and well-adjusted dogs.
Today, the Hollingsworth bloodline is still highly sought after by many breeders, as it is known for producing dogs with exceptional athleticism, intelligence, and loyalty. Yet, all that is left is dogs that may look similar and have pedigrees and stories. There is no denying the impact that Ernest Hollingsworth, VA, and Mayday have had on the breed’s history and continued popularity.
Grand Champion Mayday ROM,
The Next Chapter: Where are the Best Mayday Dogs Today?
Written By Southern Kennels VA
Ernest Hollingsworth, Victor Aycart, and Dolly
At the beginning of the 90s, based on great effort, hard work, and dedication, the story of Mayday’s legendary rise began to be written. A story Southern Kennels lived and enjoyed passionately. However, as with any success story, haters are haters who did not want to accept it. Others, faced with MAYDAY’s obvious qualities, stuck around us as supposed friends, but, in reality, ended up being sweet talkers and exploiters. They were jealous and envious of the success of MAYDAY. Over time, they were unmasked, and their real intentions revealed. On the road of life, you tend to cross paths with all kinds of people. Regretfully, we met and befriended fake people. That being said, I can understand the jealousy of the haters. You have to consider mankind’s ambitious nature and the eagerness to achieve personal success. Many tried to imitate or follow the line of work we did to campaign MAYDAY and his sisters. This work continued for 10 years.
From 1995 to 2005, Mayday, his sons, and then his Grandsons dominated the market and were winning at the national level!!! Then, the goal changed from campaigning MAYDAY’s offspring to preserving this bloodline for years to come. This breeding program managed to generate a good number of winners, champions, and grand champions, all direct offspring of MAYDAY. It is easy to see how difficult and time-consuming this was to whoever took on this responsibility. Our intent was always to leave a mark on the dog game while using a single stud dog, then his children, who in turn dominated the market in their own time. It is appropriate to mention the valuable work done by the owners of Mayday’s offspring who dedicated themselves to carry out in a responsible, honest, and dedicated way, the campaigns of these dogs. I thank them very much because without their very important contribution, it would not have been possible to write the story of MAYDAY, his Sons & Daughters.

Here came the task of finding the proverbial needle in a haystack. The task of finding someone that could continue the work of Southern Kennels and owners of Mayday’s offspring. The task of finding someone that could make intelligent combinations and crosses. It was necessary to find someone that could continue generating dogs that maintained and improved the qualities of MAYDAY and his best offspring. Such a task was not easily met. We knew by experience that it would demand TOTAL DEVOTION. They would have to do it as we did, abandon everything, and dedicate to doing a job that would be harder without the Golden Dick, MAYDAY. Southern Kennels worked very hard to accomplish what they did with the benefit of the Crown Jewel, MAYDAY. Without MAYDAY, this new leader would have to reinvent the formula and start a selection process looking for the CREAM OF THE CROP, (THE GOLDEN VEIN). For the legacy to continue, personal and economic sacrifices would have to be made by a person who has MAYDAY in his veins, a true admirer of this great specimen. It had to be someone who appreciated all the effort made until then and most important of all, willing to pay whatever price to recreate what MAYDAY left and further his legacy. THIS WAS A UNIQUE AND VERY BIG RESPONSIBILITY.
Victor Aycart and Red Nose Pitbull
Victor Aycart and Global Grand Champion ATHOS 2023

Through his unique ability to select and breed dogs, Chico Lopez has taken the legacy of Hollingsworth and VA Southern Kennels to new heights. VA himself recognized Chico’s special talent for breeding dogs with a keen eye and gifted hands. Chico has been able to uplift the breeding program to an even higher level, creating dogs that excel in all aspects, including speed, power, style, and gameness.
As VA stated, “Chico Lopez is a person with a very special personality, an indomitable character, and iron will, a warrior. He has the eye of the tiger, a gift that allows him to select better dogs with his hands and eyes. He has been able to take all the dogs from Hollingsworth and VA Southern Kennels and uplift them to new levels.”

Chico Lopez’s ability to take the Hollingsworth and VA Southern Kennels’ breeding program to the next level is a testament to his devotion and dedication to the dogs. He has the same passion and drive as VA and Hollingsworth, always striving to improve the quality of the dogs he breeds.
In the end, the legacy of Mayday and Hollingsworth lives on through Chico Lopez and his breeding program. The Mayday bloodline continues to produce dogs that dominate in the pit and excel as loyal and loving companions. Thanks to the tireless efforts of VA, Hollingsworth, and Chico Lopez, the legend of Mayday lives on.
The Legacy of the Best Dogs in History
The best dogs in the history of the breed have been brought to life by the dedicated breeders who had a true passion for the breed. These breeders, like Chico Lopez, have become super authors of the breed and have written their names in the history of the pitbull world.

One of the most notable dogs created by Chico Lopez is The Bagman, a modern champion of the old family red nose and a candidate to be the best dog on earth, according to Richard Stratton, a well-known dogman and author.
Chico Lopez’s contributions to the breed have been praised by many, including Bob Stevens, who stated that Chico Lopez is the Jordan of the breed, a once in a lifetime great. VA also spoke highly of Chico Lopez, saying that he took the entire Hollingsworth and Mayday dogs to levels never seen before.
Chico Lopez’s vision and dedication have resulted in dogs that are not only top performers but also great pets. These dogs are not sold to breeders, criminals, or dogfighters but instead are carefully placed in the hands of approved great humans in society. The legacy of the breed is in good hands, thanks to the efforts of Chico Lopez and other dedicated breeders.
In conclusion, the best Mayday dogs have left their mark in history, and the breed is now in the hands of a new generation of breeders who strive to preserve and improve the breed while also ensuring that they make great family pets. Chico Lopez is one such breeder, whose vision and dedication have resulted in dogs that are the best of the red nose pitbull breed. The breed may be facing extinction, but its legacy lives on through the work of passionate breeders like Chico Lopez.
Absolutely, Chico Lopez’s dedication to preserving the best dogs in history and ensuring they find loving homes with responsible owners is a testament to his passion for the breed. Through his extensive knowledge and expertise, he has become the master breeder of all times, carrying on the legacy of great dogmen like Ernest Hollingsworth, Tudor, Carver, Patrick, and VA. His commitment to creating the best pets, rather than just fighting dogs, has led to a new era for the breed. With dogs like Athos, Siega, and Mechanic Buck as proof, the best dogs in history can be beloved family pets. Thanks to Chico Lopez’s special eye and dedication, the future of the breed is in good hands
“The Evolution of Pitbulls: From gamedogs Dogs to Beloved Pets – The Legacy of Master Breeder Ernest Hollingsworth, VA Southern Kennels and the Master Breeder, Chico Lopez”
Where Are the Hollingsworth Dogs Today?
The American Pit Bull Terrier has a long and storied history, with many famous bloodlines and breeders leaving their mark on the breed. One of the most famous and influential of these breeders was Maurice Carver, who bred some of the most legendary pit bulls of all time, including the famous Tudor’s Dibo. One of Carver’s most famous dogs was his bitch, Honeybunch, who was bred to Redboy to produce a dog named Hollingsworth’s Bull.
Hollingsworth’s dog became some of the most important dogs in the breed’s history. He was bred to a variety of different bitches, producing a number of exceptional offspring. Some of the most famous of these offspring include . Mayday, in particular, became one of the most famous pit bulls of all time, winning numerous events and siring countless litters.
Despite the influence of the Hollingsworth bloodline, many people today are left wondering where these dogs are today. The truth is that many of the dogs that carry the Hollingsworth bloodline are still around today, but they are few and far between. The reason for this is that many of the breeders who were working with the Hollingsworth dogs have since passed away or retired, leaving only a handful of breeders who are still actively working with these dogs.
One of the most famous breeders who is still working with the Hollingsworth bloodline is Chico Lopez. Lopez is a breeder from Texas who has been working with the Hollingsworth bloodline for many years, producing some of the best dogs in the breed today. Lopez’s breeding program is based on the Best-to-Best method, which involves breeding only the best dogs to the best bitches, in order to produce offspring that are superior in every way.
One of the most famous dogs in Lopez’s breeding program is Athos. Athos is a Hollingsworth dog who has become one of the most successful dogs in the breed today. He has won numerous matches and is known for his incredible bravery and loyalty. Athos is just one example of the type of dog that can be produced when breeding the best dogs to the best bitches.
It is important to note that not all dogs that carry the Hollingsworth bloodline are of the same quality. In fact, there are many dogs out there that are being sold as Hollingsworth dogs, but are actually just poorly bred dogs that are of little value. It is important for anyone who is interested in acquiring a Hollingsworth dog to do their research and only work with reputable breeders who are producing high-quality dogs.
In addition to the Hollingsworth bloodline, there are also a number of other famous bloodlines that have left their mark on the breed. Some of the most famous of these bloodlines include the Mayday bloodline, the Jeep bloodline, and the Redboy bloodline. Each of these bloodlines has its own unique characteristics and strengths, and each has produced some of the best dogs in the breed.
The Hollingsworth bloodline is still alive and well today, thanks to the efforts of breeders like Chico Lopez. While the number of breeders working with this bloodline may be few, the quality of the produced dogs is exceptional. It is important for anyone interested in acquiring a Hollingsworth dog to do their research and only work with reputable breeders who are producing high-quality dogs. With the right breeding and care, these dogs can continue to leave their mark on the breed for many years.
Welcome back to Part 2 of our article about the whereabouts of Hollingsworth dogs today. In Part 1, we discussed the history of the American Pit Bull Terrier, its connection to boxing, and its recent stigmatization. We also talked about Chico Lopez’s breeding program and the creation of The Golden Vein bloodline. We highlighted the benefits of owning a Red Nose Pitbull puppy from Chico Lopez and the difference between real pit bulls from Chico Lopez and fake pit bulls commonly found in the market, such as XL, XXL, giant, and blue nose. We also touched on the stories of Chico Lopez’s dogs, including Athos and his incredible bravery and loyalty during the war.
In this part, we will discuss the current state of Hollingsworth dogs and their impact on the American Pit Bull Terrier community. Despite the fact that the Hollingsworth bloodline has been around for decades, the dogs are still in high demand today. Unfortunately, many breeders have tried to cash in on the popularity of the Hollingsworth dogs by producing fake or diluted versions of the bloodline.
Chico Lopez has always been upfront about his breeding program and the quality of his dogs. He has been a vocal opponent of breeders who produce fake versions of the Hollingsworth bloodline. According to Chico Lopez, the Hollingsworth bloodline is one of the best and most respected bloodlines in the American Pit Bull Terrier community. As such, it should be protected and preserved.
Chico Lopez has also been an advocate for responsible breeding practices. He has always believed that the breeding process should be carefully controlled and monitored to ensure the health and well-being of the dogs. He has also been a vocal opponent of dogfighting and has worked tirelessly to promote the positive aspects of the breed.
Today, Chico Lopez is one of the few breeders who still has access to the original Hollingsworth bloodline. He has worked hard to maintain the quality and integrity of the bloodline, and his efforts have paid off. The dogs produced by Chico Lopez are some of the best in the world and are highly sought after by serious breeders and enthusiasts alike.
Chico Lopez’s commitment to preserving the Hollingsworth bloodline and producing the highest quality dogs has earned him a well-deserved reputation as a grand master of the breed. His dogs are known for their exceptional loyalty, intelligence, and suitability for families and sportspeople. They are also known for their incredible athleticism and strength, making them ideal for a wide range of activities, including weight pulling, hog hunting, and protection work.
In conclusion, the Hollingsworth bloodline has had a significant impact on the American Pit Bull Terrier community, and its legacy continues today. Chico Lopez’s breeding program has helped to preserve and enhance the bloodline, ensuring that the dogs remain some of the best and most respected in the world. It is a testament to the skill and dedication of Chico Lopez that he has been able to maintain the quality and integrity of the Hollingsworth bloodline, despite the many challenges he has faced over the years.
The whereabouts of Hollingsworth dogs today. We hope that you have gained a better understanding of the importance of the Hollingsworth bloodline and the role that Chico Lopez has played in preserving and enhancing it. Stay tuned for more articles from therealpitbull.com on this and other topics related to the American Pit Bull Terrier community.
In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the preference for a certain type of pitbull dog. The Hollingsworth dogs have long been considered the standard for excellence in the pitbull breed, but now a new bloodline has emerged that is making waves in the pitbull world. The Honeych dogs, specifically the Mechanic Buck bloodline, have taken the pitbull community by storm with their impressive physical attributes and unparalleled temperament.
The Mechanic Buck bloodline is a direct descendant of the Hollingsworth dogs and has been carefully bred to enhance the desirable traits of the original bloodline. These dogs are the epitome of what a red nose pitbull should be – muscular, athletic, and fiercely loyal. But what truly sets them apart is their temperament. Honeych dogs are known for being excellent family pets and nanny dogs, making them the perfect addition to any household.
The Honeych dogs are not just a new fad in the pitbull world; they are the best red nose pitbulls in history. They have taken the desirable traits of the Hollingsworth dogs and upgraded them to create a superior bloodline. Mechanic Buck, in particular, is a standout dog in the Honeych bloodline. He is a prime example of what a red nose pitbull should be – big, strong, and built like a tank. But despite his intimidating appearance, Mechanic Buck is gentle and affectionate, making him an excellent family pet.
The Honeych dogs are not just for show; they are also great working dogs. They excel in various sports such as weight pulling, agility, and obedience trials. Their athleticism and eagerness to please make them an excellent choice for owners looking for a dog that can perform a variety of tasks.
The Honeybunch dogs, specifically the Mechanic Buck bloodline, are the best red nose pitbulls in history. They have taken the desirable traits of the Hollingsworth dogs and upgraded them to create a superior bloodline that is not only physically impressive but also gentle and loyal. These dogs are the perfect addition to any household and excel in various sports, making them a versatile choice for any owner. As the pitbull breed continues to evolve, the Honeych dogs are sure to make a lasting impact and continue the legacy of excellence that the Hollingsworth dogs started.
The Hollingsworth dogs have been a cornerstone of the pitbull breed for decades, but in recent years, they have undergone a transformation into a new breed known as the Golden Vein. This new breed represents the pinnacle of the red nose pitbull world and is the result of years of careful breeding and selection.
The Golden Vein is a modern breed of red nose pitbull that incorporates the best qualities of the Hollingsworth dogs with modern advancements in breeding techniques. These dogs are bred for athleticism, intelligence, and loyalty, making them the perfect family pets and working dogs.
The modern red nose pitbulls that are part of the Golden Vein bloodline have a distinct appearance. They are muscular and athletic, with a powerful build that emphasizes their strength and agility. Their coats are typically red or fawn with white markings, and they have a distinctive blocky head and strong jaw.
One of the most notable characteristics of the Golden Vein dogs is their temperament. They are loyal and affectionate with their families, making them great pets for households with children. They are also highly trainable and excel in obedience trials, agility competitions, and weight pulling events.
The Golden Vein bloodline is the result of years of selective breeding by Chico Lopez, a master breeder who has dedicated his life to perfecting the red nose pitbull breed. He has taken the best traits of the Hollingsworth dogs and combined them with modern breeding techniques to create a new breed that is unrivaled in the pitbull world.
In conclusion, the Hollingsworth dogs have undergone a transformation in the past 30 years into a new breed known as the Golden Vein. This new breed represents the pinnacle of the red nose pitbull world and is the result of years of careful breeding and selection. The modern red nose pitbulls that are part of the Golden Vein bloodline are muscular, athletic, and highly trainable, with a loyal and affectionate temperament that makes them great family pets. Thanks to the efforts of Chico Lopez and other master breeders, the Golden Vein is set to continue the legacy of excellence that the Hollingsworth dogs started.
- The Golden Vein bloodline combines the best qualities of the Hollingsworth dogs with modern breeding techniques.
- The dogs of the Golden Vein bloodline are bred for athleticism, intelligence, and loyalty.
- They have a distinct appearance, with a muscular and athletic build, and a blocky head and strong jaw.
- Golden Vein dogs are highly trainable and excel in obedience, agility, and weight pulling events.
- They have a loyal and affectionate temperament, making them great family pets.
- The Golden Vein bloodline is the result of years of selective breeding by master breeder Chico Lopez.
- Chico Lopez has dedicated his life to perfecting the red nose pitbull breed.
- The Golden Vein bloodline represents the pinnacle of the red nose pitbull world.
- The breed is unrivaled in terms of athleticism, intelligence, and loyalty.
- The Golden Vein is set to continue the legacy of excellence that the Hollingsworth dogs started, thanks to the efforts of Chico Lopez and other master breeders.
10 FAQs about the benefits of Red Nose Pitbulls:
- What makes Red Nose Pitbulls unique compared to other breeds?
- Red Nose Pitbulls are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and athleticism. They also have a distinctive reddish-brown nose that sets them apart from other Pitbulls.
- Are Red Nose Pitbulls good with children?
- Yes, Red Nose Pitbulls are great with children. They are known for their gentle and loving nature towards their family, including kids.
- Are Red Nose Pitbulls good with other pets?
- With proper training and socialization, Red Nose Pitbulls can get along well with other pets in the household, including cats and dogs.
- Are Red Nose Pitbulls aggressive?
- No, Red Nose Pitbulls are not naturally aggressive. In fact, they are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities. However, like any breed, they can become aggressive if not properly trained or socialized.
- How much exercise do Red Nose Pitbulls need?
- Red Nose Pitbulls are an active breed and require regular exercise, including daily walks and playtime. They excel at sports such as agility and obedience training.
- Are Red Nose Pitbulls easy to train?
- Yes, Red Nose Pitbulls are highly trainable due to their intelligence and eagerness to please their owners. Consistent positive reinforcement training is recommended.
- Are Red Nose Pitbulls good guard dogs?
- Yes, Red Nose Pitbulls make excellent guard dogs due to their protective nature and loyalty to their owners.
- How do Red Nose Pitbulls compare to Blue Nose Pitbulls?
- While both breeds have similar physical characteristics and temperament, there is no evidence to suggest that one is better than the other. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the individual dog’s personality.
- Can Red Nose Pitbulls live in apartments?
- Yes, Red Nose Pitbulls can adapt to apartment living as long as they receive adequate exercise and mental stimulation. However, they thrive in homes with a yard to run around in.
- How long do Red Nose Pitbulls typically live?
- On average, Red Nose Pitbulls live between 12-14 years with proper care and nutrition.
The Best Family dogs !!
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/ – Homepage of The Real Pitbull by Chico Lopez.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/about-us/ – Information about Chico Lopez and The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/puppies/ – Information about pitbull puppies for sale from The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/before-you-buy-a-pitbull/ – Information about the American Pit Bull Terrier and its history.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/bloodline/ – Information about The Real Pitbull’s breeding program and the Golden Vein bloodline.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/richard-stratton/ – The story of Richard Stratton and his experience with The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/athos/ – The story of Athos, one of The Real Pitbull’s dogs.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/contact-us/ – Contact information for The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/golden-vein-pitbulls/ – Information about The Real Pitbull’s Golden Vein pitbulls.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/why-choose-us/ – Reasons to choose The Real Pitbull for your pitbull puppy.