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The Real Pitbull, “American Pit Bull Terrier”. The Holly grail of the “American Pit Bull Terrier ” After all ,that is what you are looking for ONLY THE BEST. Also the MOST accurate information on the breed APBT TODAY. Many people want the best, The real American pitBull Terrier Puppies, Some call them Real Pitbulls, Real Pitbull puppies. Therefore they want , The most merited family of Real American Pit Bull Terriers , here it is friends . As you read you see the pictures, and videos , it will be come clear why some people call us, the holly-grail of the “American Pit Bull Terrier”. I wish there was something like this back in 1994 when I was starting my quest for the “Ultimate Pitbull”.

I would have enjoyed these great dogs right away. That is what you get here, you save your time, you save money ,and start enjoying the best of the best. In other to develop these dogs we worked hard in the areas of culture , genetics, inner-core. A long process that required to travel around the world a few times. As you get to notice I am in love with the breed and the competitiveness of it.Therefore there is only one way to own the ” American Pit Bull Terrier” and is to own the best.That is the main reason why I decided to “sale Pitbull puppies” and to put this website in place. For over a decade people seen my dogs in magazines and books and they were never available to the public.
1000s of people and 100s of breeders would asked me for my dogs, I always said no. I knew that breeders and their standards destroyed the breed in every way.
However one day a great friend asked me and gave me the reasons to sale the best dogs to the best people. ” It is just fare to let great people enjoy your dogs Chico Lopez he said. Would you sell one of your “Pitbull puppies” to the young man in 1994? Would you make him happy , knowing he was a man of character ? YES!! 100% The best dogs for the best people !! No breeders, no sellers, no thugs, no low lives !
Today we sell to those who are great people of character. ” Connecting the best APBT with the best people is our mission”. After all , selection is the corner stone of the breed and it should be selection also of the best people, what will keep the breed alive for the next 100 years!
Our dogs are for those who can’t settle for anything less than ONLY THE BEST ! Matter fact is that our registered name with The ADBA ( American Dog Breeders Association ) is ONLY THE BEST !
The Pitbull ? There are many dogs that society , breeders, pet people, the media etc etc Confuses with the real breed, The Real American Pitbull Terrier. We can also see it as, if there are many levels of quality with in the breed. However there is only one real American Pit Bull Terrier! This is the dog at the top of the summit! After all anything that can be measured , can be improved ! The most globally merited family of the Best Pitbulls or best American Pit Bull Terrier on earth ! We are the source of the very best Pitbulls on earth. You will find here all the reason why these words are the truth. Just like you, back in the 1990s , I was confused by all the information, miss information and lies that daily ignorant people were writing about the breed. Today obviously is even more crazy as the internet gave a platform to anyone who has an opinion.

So how exactly do you learn and who to listen about the American Pit Bull Terrier? Just like you would do with anyone in any walk of life ! You don’t ask the so called experts in Basketball! You ask the one that has the most merits, Michael Jordan! His merits, his experience, his numbers, his championships, his character, his winning edged is what you would be looking for !! If you want to know about the best soccer moves , them you ask Messi. The same thing here his magical goals, his majestic moves, his championships, his best soccer player of the world tittles. When you are going to take classes about parachute sky jumping , you want your teacher to be an expert jumper! One with Merits. When it comes to the “American pit Bull Terrier” here you will discover the most beautiful dogs of the truth APBT. My name is Chico Lopez and a renown name among those who understand and know the breed at the top of the breed. I was always obsessed with ONLY THE BEST, checked by earned merits , not just an opinion.
Amazingly these great dogs are so incredible they are created of VELVET AND STEEL as said by Mr. Bob Stevens in his book “Dogs of Velvet and steel”
Here a few reasons I said Merits; 4 times dogman of the year, created a world record in the elite world of the best APBT with 4 GLOBAL DOGS of the YEAR! Wow that is like Tom Brady in the NFL or the 7 rings of Michael Jordan.
This is so important , as the experience give me the know how and the inside of breeding and creating the best American Pit Bull Terriers ! You can real more about me on my link Chico Lopez , always the dogs is going to be as good as the source.
One of the first things you most understand is that, culture have change a lot from the times the first dogs came and the best dogs got developed. It is a controlled evolution process as I call it. The breed keeps on growing and the dogs keep improving when they are in the right hands. They also keep morphing in to masters, and ugly dogs. All these changes for better or worst , depend on the men and the culture their practice during the process of breeding. Their goals, and the precess or lack of real working standards.

Out of all the people touching and breeding the PITBULLS those who matter and those who really own the breed , are those with straight uninterrupted connection to the controlled evolution process. These men are called dogman, THE REAL DOGMAN. Not to be confused with what internet warriors called themselves today dogmen. The word dogman is maybe the most missed used and missed understood word in the APBt word. This is a topic on its own. Just like in the dogs , there are levels of quality among these men. They separate themselves because the same things as the dogs, MERITS ! Yes folks merits is what makes everything. After all The APBT is a competitive animal ! Yes The dogs of Velvet and Steel. The best APBT are soft , loving, great companion, and have those amazing competitive qualities us humans love Loyalty, courage, endurance, never give up, achievers. The best APBT will do what ever it takes to win, just like successful , competitive humans. One amazing reason why us humans love the real APBT! Their presidency and tenacity is called GAMENESS! A magical words we will go over on another topic ! The real APBt odes not come in sizes, as the giant or XXL not at all. Facts is that is all a big joke on society , media, and the so call commentators on the internet. The standard of the breed comes from the real deal, and the men who created the breed. The real dogman , the complete man who develops his own family of dogs with consistency at every performing level. The magic of the APBT is that the better the dogs in competition, the more noble the dog becomes as a pet ! Wow this is fundamental, the qualities of Velvet and steel walk hand on hand ! No other men, no desk people , can understand the racing thoroughbred horse, as the HORSEMAN! The same applies to the APBT, at the top level is the real DOGMAN, who knows all the insides and out sides of the creation, development, maintenance, care, breeding and selection of this breed. The top real dogman is the master is the one that owns and lead the breed. He does it all and does it with excellence. He the dogma loves the best APBT, he can tell about them as puppies or as grown dogs. His hand , his mind , his eye is magical when it comes to the dogs that he lives and dreams every day with.
Wow I can go own on this as it give me passion to remember my own journey, side young dreaming with Gr ch Mayday and my journey around the word many times. The countess amazing stories and risk taken to find out , all the limits if the best APBT. Yet I will tell you about it some more in another chapter.
Nobody can tell you about the real American pit bull terrier than a real successful dogman. The laws have changed all over the world. The culture changed a lot. Strong men is not a fashion thing. Today Real Men, real Dogman and Real APBT are under heavy attack by the liberal society , that prays for the weak, and curses the strong. What was strong today is weak . The APBT is all strong men with they can be !! Humble, strong, kid, relentless, loving, athletic, from an amazing life of warriors, and an incredible heritage ! My dogs are not for the weak. They are not for those who can settle with just a dog. Today I am just a historian of my journey and the best family of APBT in world TODAY !! I breed for many years the best APBT and kept it for myself. However there are a few men and women that would love to have ONLY THE BEST ! “APBT puppies” The best of the “Gr ch Mayday ROM” ” Gr Ch Buck ROM” ” Champion Awesome Buck ROM” ” The Global Champion The Bagman dogs, Global Grand Champion Siega The Great” Friends my journey have taken me in many directions. I have been an international Judge of the breed, I have judge in 12 different countries. I also have given seminar around the world in many countries. Helping people understand the history and what is the “Real American Pit Bull Terreir”
There is so much to write about, so many stories. I know you want to know about them , stories of my dogs and the life we lived. Till Next time , your friend Chico Lopez !!
Today we breed for the best people. We don’t sell to breeders, sellers, no people related to the so called game is welcome. These dogs are”Exclusive APBT” for the best humans on earth. My vision is to make those great human happy !

The “best Pitbull terrier puppies ” for sale here PERIOD. Kids love our puppies. It is incredible how these great dogs connect with your family. The joy and happiness is al all day long , continuous happiness ! I notice that the old saying every man is just a grown kid, is 100% true. The positive feed back and recognition you get as you walk these Champion Bagman and Awesome Buck pups is AWESOME ! You truly feel like the kind of the road. When you are looking for a great family addition. When you need to bring the grand kids to your home, a nice awesome puppy is all they want.
I notice that 90% of our buyers , which are also our friends, always come back for more puppies.
My friend these are the best and real “American Pit Bull Terrier” The ” Dogs of Velvet and Steel”
A true American Tradition, the best dogs come from the best genetic pool. Call me today and we will talk about your best investment. Again I thank you for taking your time and visiting our page. I also would like to thanks our great Dogmen from the past that made these dreams come true for you and for me! Love Chico Lopez 281-226-0370
This page is being build , is under construction more exiting articles will be added.
>>>> UNDER CONSTRUCTION >>>>> 2018 Folks as of March first I am working on this website to get it finished , hang in there with me.
“Dogs of Velvet and Steel”, “Gameness” , “The Real Dogmen” “The Real American Pit Bull Terreir” breeding for success !! = “The best APBT puppies” “APBT breeder of TODAY”
About dog titles
- Global Champion and Champions or winners are all international or local in Brasil. I been in Brasil since 2008 , near 10 years. All our dogs have competed in tug-A-war , weight pullings, wild hog hunting in South America , Mexico, and or Asia.
- DOA= Picked by a panel as DOG OF APPRECIATION. A very important tittle as is very important to appreciated by the international community.
- BIS = BEST IN SHOW WINNER, Many events with over 3000 fanciers and multiple entries , have a Best in show winner.
- GIS = GOOD IN SHOW WINNER, Some times you cant get a BIS , a Good in show is also much appreciated.
- Some terms are historical as historical is the Korean war, or WWII, nobody supports war today, yet is good to know your past and history
- Some of our material have been used to write fictional accounts, like spider-man, or Santa Clause, sound like the truth only to children.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/ – Homepage of The Real Pitbull by Chico Lopez.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/about-us/ – Information about Chico Lopez and The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/puppies/ – Information about pitbull puppies for sale from The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/before-you-buy-a-pitbull/ – Information about the American Pit Bull Terrier and its history.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/bloodline/ – Information about The Real Pitbull’s breeding program and the Golden Vein bloodline.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/richard-stratton/ – The story of Richard Stratton and his experience with The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/athos/ – The story of Athos, one of The Real Pitbull’s dogs.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/PITBULL-UNIVERSITY- Contact information for The Real Pitbull.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/TEXAS-PITBULL-BREEDER – Information about The Real Pitbull’s Golden Vein pitbulls.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/The-Bagman-Apbt – Reasons to choose The Real Pitbull for your pitbull puppy.
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/chico-lopez-collars/
- https://www.therealpitbull.com/PITBULL-BREED-STANDARD/